Safety and Quality
Health and Safety
Our objective
To ensure the safety of our operations in a preserved environment.
Our principles
We abide by five founding principles in the prevention of major accidents:
- Prevention
- Compliance with legislation in effect and controlling its application
- Raising awareness and personnel training
- Identification of risks
- Continuous process improvement
International Ship and Port Facility Security
The ISPS code is the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code.
The code is a comprehensive set of measures and procedures established to prevent unlawful acts (attack, terrorism, theft, illegal immigration, various trafficking, etc.) against people and goods, whether on board ships or in port facilities.
Since 1st July 2004, the date it came into effect, CIM and CCMP are bound to apply the requirements of this code, as are all ports around the world; this includes appointing a Port Facility Security Officer (PFSO) and the drawing up and implementation of a security plan.
The latter is a confidential document in which the organisation, procedures and provisions for security are applied by the Terminal. It is drafted by the PFSO.
Access to the facilities
All CIM and CCMP establishments are subject to strictly controlled access to the facilities.
Created in 1978, the governmental Vigipirate plan is a French security alert system that raises security levels in the event of threats of terrorist action.
The current system has four increasing levels of alert: Yellow, Orange, Red and Scarlet. The Vigipirate alert, and its level, is announced by the Prime Minister.
Satisfaction of our customers and partners
ISO 9001 certified Quality Management System since 1993
Our ambition
CIM and CCMP ensure the satisfaction of their customers through their storage and handling of oil products, while guaranteeing our longevity and competitiveness in a particularly competitive environment whose economic and environmental aspects are undergoing great change.
In order to meet these challenges, we have, for several years and at all levels of our organization, engaged in a management process with regards to our quality system that integrates the principles of ISO 9001 standards.
Our quality policy
- An approach of active listening and permanent monitoring;
- An efficient operation tool;
- Voluntary sharing of skills and expertise.
- ongoing commitment to progress;
- a proactive policy in terms of maintenance and investments, while controlling costs;
- our skills and technical know-how.
Read CIM and CCMP’s LRQA ISO 9001:2015 certificate
Respect for the environment
ISO 14001 certified Environmental Management System since 2017
Our objective
For several years, the CIM CCMP has been involved in an environmental approach. Its ambition has always been to carry out his activities in a preserved environment. To reaffirm its commitment, since December 2015, CIM CCMP has set up an Environmental Management System for all of its depots and terminals and has obtained, in 2017, certification of this system according to the requirements of the ISO 14001 standard.
Our policy
- Prevent all forms of pollution and protect the environment,
- Respect the regulations and check its application,
- Continuously improve our environmental performance.
Our ambition
- Master our consumption of natural resources and energy,
- Master our production of hazardous and non-hazardous waste,
- Manage the potential impact of our activities on the environment,
- Prevent and test our response to environmental emergencies.